
Rich McCor vytvára úžasné optické ilúzie pomocou papiera

Rich McCor vytvára úžasné optické ilúzie pomocou papiera - 19983453 1928632760712695 227720187305862678 o - Rich McCor vytvára úžasné optické ilúzie pomocou papiera

meno Rich McCor vám možno nič nehovorí, avšak ak sledujete trendy na instagrame určite poznáte meno paperboyo. Tento umelec vďaka svojim nevšedným fotkám známych pamiatok a rôznych budov zožal taký úspech, že mu vydali knihu. Ak vás teda nebavia tradičné fotografie, ktoré pridáva každý turista, pozrite sa s nami na nápadité fotky vytvorené pomocou vystrihnutého papiera.


Rich McCor alias Paperboyo

Víťazný oblúk, Paríž

The Shard, Londýn

Bordeaux, France

Tower Bridge, Londýn

The Neon Museum, Las Vegas

Coloseum, Rím

Have you ever heard of the word naumachia? Until I got to Rome I hadn’t either, but it’s a word the Romans used to describe simulated naval fights – they were like gladiator battles on a bigger and wetter scale. Sometimes special structures were built and other times lakes were used, but there is evidence that the colosseum was once turned into a gladiatorial water world for a naumachia (the more you say that word, the more addictive it becomes). According to the Roman historian Cassius Dio, a sea fight took place in the amphitheatre in 86 AD. Ships, weapons and thousands of men were brought in and since every effort was made to make a naumachia (I bet you’re saying it out loud now) a colossal event, even sea creatures were shipped in from around the globe – hence why I put an octopus inside the colosseum, because y’know when in Rome, do as the Romans do. Time to hop back on board Royal Princess and head up the coast to the port of Livorno to visit Florence. (Head to @princesscruises to see more images) #comebacknew

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Brooklyn Bridge, New York

Brooklyn Bridge opened in May 1883 and enjoyed a fairly harmonious first few days, but at the end of the month disaster struck. Reports vary as to what happened exactly but it seems a woman tripping on the stairs triggered a stampede of pedestrians who thought the bridge was about to collapse. In the confusion numerous people died and many more were injured. So then the city had a problem. It had just spent $15.5 million on a bridge that the public were afraid of using. So how did they convince New Yorkers that Brooklyn Bridge was safe? They turned to circus showman P.T. Barnum who’d pitched an idea for the opening of the bridge that they’d rejected a year earlier, but now it seemed like the perfect PR stunt. So one evening in May 1884, P.T. Barnum marched 21 elephants, 7 camels, and 10 dromedaries (basically furry camels) across the illuminated arches of Brooklyn Bridge, with a gigantic seven-ton African elephant named Jumbo bringing up the rear. The Bridge’s sturdiness was never called into question again #brooklynbridge #newyork #nyc #nycgo #seeyourcity #paperart

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Pacific Design Center, Las Vegas

Paperboy často používa motívy Star Wars

Most police departments have a strenuous relationship with the people that they’re charged to protect, but that doesn’t seem to be the case here in Reykjavik. Crime in Iceland is so low that the Reykjavik police department seemingly get to spend most of their shifts having a good time in and around the city. Their instagram page (@logreglan) mostly features them playing with cute kittens, fooling around with the locals & feedings the ducks. They even occasionally dress up as Stormtroopers whilst on patrol #InspiredByIceland #Logreglan #StarWars #Disney #StormTrooper #Kópavogskirkja #GeorgeLucas @StarWars #Police #Reykjavik #Iceland #Lol #Funny #Clouds #ArchitectureLovers #ArchitecturePorn #Silhouette #Paperart #Craft

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Here’s something I learnt this week – if you go out into the streets of London with a Death Star paper cut-out, strangers stop and take a lot of interest in what you’re doing. A few even came up and excitedly chatted Star Wars to me whilst I was getting the shots for this composition, but the truth is I’m one of the six people on the planet who has never seen the original Star Wars. So a couple of weeks ago when @odeoncinemas asked me if I wanted to see Rogue One at the BFI IMAX in London, I said “sure, but I have no idea what the back story is”. Turns out when you’re watching it on a huge screen (the largest in the UK no less) and surrounded by excited fans – you can’t help but be swept up in the whole Star Wars world #RogueOneOfficial #RogueOne #Ad #Odeon #London #Cityscape #Skyline #Sunset #StarWars #DeathStar

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Dokonca zrekonštruoval aj dielo Banksyho

Last time I was here in LA I shot this Banksy & The Broad mashup #LosAngeles

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